Benjamin Demonet

Benjamin Demonet



Engineer graduated from Polytech Angers (engineering school of the University of Angers) I am passionate about the only planet on which we can live naturally.

With 10 years of experience in digital, I sought to give meaning to the services to which I was able to contribute. Since 2018 I have been seeking to promote a positive impact in this area and I encourage the measurement of impact through several initiatives: from 2018 to 2020, I participated in the launch of the responsible digital approach within e.Voyageurs SNCF (SNCF Connect & Tech) by creating a tool to measure the impact of mobility offer distribution services, accompanied by training and continuous improvement.

In 2020, I joined the startup Digital4Better to continue this work and to offer this type of service to any company involved in this process.

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  • Company Pedagogy

Expertise areas

  • Datacenter IT
  • Cloud Service IT
  • Sustainable design
  • Accessibility
  • Ethics