Alexane Louvel

Alexane Louvel



Since 2019, I am the adviser in sustainable IT at Madison Communication, a responsible communication agency based in Nantes and the first one to obtain the Sustainable IT certification.

With a Master’s degree in digital communication, I am qualified in web content accessibility and sustainable IT (Certificat de connaissance Numérique Responsable and Certificat de compétences « Concevoir une feuille de route Numérique Responsable »).

My mission is to help you with your digital communication projects by integrating sobriety and accessibility! Communication strategy, eco-design, responsible social media, I reflect on the impact of the medium, its production and its distribution while questioning the authenticity of the message.

As a certified Qualiopi training organisation, I can provide trainings to raise awareness on sustainable IT and social media.

As a society with a mission and a SSE company, on a day-to-day basis I support businesses in transition within the agency.

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  • Company Pedagogy

Expertise areas

  • Sustainable design
  • Accessibility
  • Ethics
  • Digital Marketing