Emmanuel Laroche
Engineer by training, I began my aeronautic career in ground and flight testing where I worked for 12 years at different levels of responsibility.
In 2014, I joined Facility Management teams as an energy manager for the Airbus sites in Toulouse, where I managed the renewable energies and energy efficiency projects. That led me to work on the performance of Data Centers. In 2019 I joined the IT department as manager for Sustainable IT with a European perimeter.
I convinced Airbus to join the Institute for Sustainable IT in 2019, and in 2021, the President proposed that I take the responsibility for the communication as a volunteer activity. I agreed to contribute to give an international dimension to this topic, ensure a narrow cooperation with the Scientific Direction about training tools and to contribute to progress on measuring the environmental footprint of digital services.
I am now recognized as an expert inside Airbus on sustainability in digital.
In my private life I’m deeply concerned about the ocean’s health and I’m a scuba diving instructor.
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Expertise areas
- Server IT
- Datacenter IT
- IoT / Home automation